datapitstop » Website Help »NAICSDirectory
This area of configuration enables you to choose your organizations NAICS codes. NAICS was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America. NAICS is a unique, all-new system for classifying business establishments. Visitors to DataPitStop will be able to search by these codes. You can choose up to 10 codes for your organization. For more information about NAICS, please visit the NAICS Association.

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Current Categories

At the top of the page, under Current Count, you will see all the categories you belong to.

Searching for Categories

There are almost 2,000 categories to choose from. Manually browsing the list to find your categories would be quite cumbersome, so it's best to search for categories that meet your criteria. To search, you need to enter in a keyword(s) into the Word(s) Search window. This will show you all categories that meet the search criteria. You may also narrow your search down by group. If you click the down arrow beside the Group box you can choose a group. You are allowed a maximum of 10 categories.

Adding A Category

Once you locate a category, you need to add it to your list. To choose a category(s), you need to place a check mark beside each entry. You may choose multiple entries if you like. When you are done checking your category(s), you need to click the submit button.

When they are added they will be listed under your Current Count.

Deleting A Category

Deleting a category is much like adding a category. You need to place a check mark beside the category listed under your Current Count. You may select multiple entries at one time. When you are done selecting a category(s), you need to click the submit button. The items will be removed from your list.

When you are done you will notice that the category(s) is no longer listed under your current count.