datapitstop » Website Help »Links of InterestDirectory
Links of Interest enable you to link to external web sites for additional information. The main purpose is to give your visitors additional information on a specific topic, usually pertaining to the goods/services your organization provides. Only a description and a HTML link are allowed.

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Viewing Current Links

To view your current Links you need to click on "Links of Interest" on the administrative menu.

You will now see all of your Links here. If Groups were used, each Link will list under the corresponding Group name. Information such as date posted, sort order, brief information, the last date the link was viewed, and the number of times the link was clicked is available on this page.

Adding a Link

To add a new Link, you need to click on the ADD button at the top of the page. You will be presented with a screen with the following information:

  • Title: This is the name of your Link.
  • URL Address: This is where you are linking to.
  • Group Description: This allows you to place this Link into a pre-created Group.
  • Sort Order: This allows you to sort your Links in any order you choose. If left blank they are sorted alphabetically.
  • Date Posted: Date the Link was created.
  • Last Viewed: Shows the last time someone clicked on the link.
  • Viewed Count: Shows total number of times your visitors clicked on the link.
  • Reset Counter/Dates: Resets both last viewed date and counter.
  • Description of Link: A brief description of the link.

Deleting a Link

To delete a Link you need to check the box labeled "You MUST check this box first to Delete this Link", then click the DELETE button. The Link is now permanently deleted. The Link CANNOT be recovered.

    Finally, click the SAVE button at the bottom of the screen. Keep in mind you can always edit a current entry is you need to.