datapitstop » Website Help »Terms/DictionaryDirectory
The Terms/Dictionary Site Feature enables you to define certain terms or buzz words that pertain to your industry. This will enable visitors to better understand what it is your talking about if "industry speak" is used. This can be extended with the use of HTML, images, PDFs, CSS, Javascript, and plain text.

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Viewing Current Term/Dictionary Entries

To view your current Term/Dictionary Entries, you need to click on the option "Term/Dictionary" on the administrative menu.

You will now see all of your Terms. If Groups were used, each Term/Dictionary will list under the corresponding Group name.

Adding a Term/Dictionary

To add a Term/Dictionary, you need to click the ADD button at the top of the page. You will then be presented with several sections that will enable you to create your new Term. The following will walk through each section.

This is the Term you are defining. You can use Groups with your Terms. You may also reset your counters.

This is the main content of your Term/Dictionary Entry. The use of HTML, CSS, Javascript, images, PDFs, and plain text are allowed.

Upload Images for Page Content (GIF, JPG, PNG):
This section allows you to upload images for your Term/Dictionary Entry. For specifics on how to use images, please see Using Images.

Upload PDF for Page:
This section enables you to upload PDFs for your Term/Dictionary Entry. For additional information on how to use PDFs on your site, please see Using PDFs.

Current Images:
This lists your current images.

Current PDFs:
This section shows your current PDF documents.

Deleting a Term/Dictionary

To delete a Term/Dictionary you need to check the box labeled "You MUST check this box first to Delete this Term", then click the DELETE button. The Term/Dictionary is now permanently deleted. The Term/Dictionary CANNOT be recovered.

Finally, you need to click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page. Also, don't forget you can edit an entry at any time.